These three dash exercises will assist burn fats and construct athletic power

Sprinting isn't just for Usain Bolt-type Olympic athletes, just as jumping rope isn't just for Floyd Mayweathers warm-up before a fight; Running all-out is for anyone who wants to build a general level of fitness. Sprinting can help increase lung strength, increase speed, accelerate fat loss, and increase lean muscle mass.

If you're not the biggest cardio fanatic, here's some news to use: Interval training has been shown to outperform steady state cardio when it comes to reducing body fat and burning calories. Sure, all exercise burns calories, and endurance running has many benefits, but sprinting is strong because it burns more calories and fat both during and after your workout, giving you more bang for your buck!

Linda Solomon, RRCA running coach and marathon runner from Brockton, MA, says sprinting is perfect for those looking to accelerate their running pace as well as increase fat loss. "Sprinting increases your speed and stamina, but if your goal is weight loss, sprinting will build lean muscle that will help you achieve your weight loss goal while increasing your metabolism."

For maximum results, learn how to sprint correctly

When sprinting, shape matters. "Make sure your arms are in a relaxed position by your sides and raise your knees as you move," says Solomon. This may not be easy for you at first, especially if you are not a runner at first. Solomon offers a trick she uses that can help beginners master their form. “Running uphill is a great way to learn how to sprint properly because it helps the runner focus on form,” she adds. If you don't have any hills nearby, you can also use a treadmill that rises.

So, if you're looking to increase your fitness, try these three HIIT sprint workouts (warm up first) to try on your local track this summer.

Try this dynamic sprint warm up for better performance:


As with any training session, warming up is important for injury prevention and performance level. “I recommend warming up at least 10 minutes before the sprint,” says Solomon. Getting the blood flowing and sweating a little is key. “Jogging slowly for 10 minutes is a great warm-up idea,” she says. Incorporating dynamic movements into your warm up also helps loosen up joints, ligaments, and muscle fibers. A pulled hamstring is best avoided when your body is fully warmed up.

Do these dynamic warm-ups for 10 minutes (or more if you think it's necessary) to ensure that your muscles are being loosened successfully.

  • 10 arm circles (forward and backward)
  • 10 high knees (per leg)
  • 10 knee hugs (per leg)
  • 10 butt kicks (per leg)
  • 20 jumping jacks
  • 10 high kicks (per leg)
  • Your sprint speed guide - grow into your training

Sprinting means 100% of your running effort, but not every sprint has to reach the maximum; especially during the warm-up and when you are just starting a new sprint routine. Here's how to measure your sprint speed.

60% max. - This is very similar to a brisk jog. At the end of your sprint, you should feel like you can sprint again right away.

70% top speed - This is a slow sprint; a pace that cannot be carried out over long distances. They use up a lot of energy but don't feel wiped out after a few sprints.

80% top speed - At this speed, you should almost feel like you're sprinting. Your sprint form should be in full effect and you should be out of breath, but you have a little more leeway to increase your speed a little.

100% top speed- You have maxed out, you cannot go on, breathless. It shouldn't be a question on your mind that you gave all you had

w that you know what the right form of sprint is, how to properly warm up, and measure your speed, it's time to rock your HIIT sprint session!

The 3 HIIT sprinting workouts

Muscular man doing HIIT sprint workouts by sprinting on a running trackJesus Cervantes

HIIT sprint workout for beginners

Difficulty: easy

  • Slow jogging: 10 minutes
  • 100 meter sprint
  • Slow jogging: 5 minutes
  • 100 meter sprint
  • Repeat for a total of 30 minutes

Advanced HIIT sprint workout

Difficulty: medium

  • Slow jogging: 10 minutes
  • Sprint: 30 seconds at 60% max (x2)
  • Walking: 60 to 120 seconds
  • Sprint: 30 seconds at 70% max (x2)
  • Walking: 60 to 120 seconds
  • Repeat for 20 to 30 minutes

Advanced HIIT sprint workout

Difficulty: advanced

  • Jogging: 10 minutes
  • Sprint: 30 seconds at 80% max.
  • Walking: 30 seconds
  • Sprint: 20 seconds at 100% max.
  • Walking: 120 seconds
  • Sprint: 30 seconds at 100%
  • Walking: 60 seconds
  • Repeat for 20 to 30 minutes

For adequate cooling, walk slowly and breathe slowly and deeply for 5 minutes. You may feel very sore the next day as you start a new exercise routine. Get adequate rest days, drink plenty of water, and supply your body with nutritious foods.

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