The Rock is returning to Gridiron (type of) with its Venture Rock Soccer Pack

Dwayne Johnson and Under Armor have teamed up again to bring out the Project Rock Football Pack. Johnson may be known for crushing opponents in WWE wrestling with his electrifying People & # 39; s Elbow, but the world's greatest movie star also played soccer while studying at the University of Miami.

w Johnson and Under Armor have worked together to offer a superior set of soccer products such as cleats, reversible mesh tops, hoodies, backpacks and more. The college-style gear - aptly referred to as The Project Rock category - pays homage to its football roots in the United States.

In preparation for launch, Johnson returned to President William McKinley High School in Hawaii to shoot videos and promote its latest line of products. It is a place that “The People’s Champion” undoubtedly taught many life lessons in its formative years.

The Rock took to Instagram on Thursday announcing the arrival of The Project Rock Football package by reflecting on its own successes and failures. “As a man who sticks his hands in the dirt,” says Johnson. “The lessons I learned on the grill were invaluable. t because of my successes, but because of my failures.

"Because of my failure, my NFL dreams never came true."

"Because of my failure, I'm the toughest worker in the room."

"And through failure, I've learned that hard work always begins and ends with me."

Johnson wants to inspire others to be the best version of themselves, adding, "Sometimes it's the dreams that don't come true that give us the greatest lessons in life."

Known as Project Rock Spotlights, the football boots are designed to fit like a sneaker. Limited stock will also feature the number 94, which was Johnson's jersey during his time at the University of Miami.

The Project Rock Football Pack is available now on

Courtesy of Under Armor

Dwayne Johnson

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