Funded: three frequent hydration myths debunked

Almost every body function, from sleep to exercise performance, is directly influenced by your fluid content.

In addition to the benefits mentioned earlier, staying hydrated helps with a variety of other vital factors, including maintaining optimal blood pressure, promoting kidney health, and aiding in fat loss.

In addition, the human body consists of almost 60% water. So without proper hydration, we simply cannot function, let alone outperform.

But staying hydrated is a little more complex and often confusing than just having a glass of water every time you're thirsty. Your overall health and appearance in the mirror can be compromised if you deviate from an appropriate hydration regime.

What does that mean? If you were to do this on Google, you would come across some misinformation on the internet that found its way into everyday conversations and was only accepted as science. Spoiler Alert: Aside from this article, much of what you read on the internet is pure fiction.

Fortunately, we decided to play MythBusters that day. Open a bottle of rthern Chill and find out the truth about hydration.

Courtesy rthern Chill


We've all heard this rule since fourth grade health: everyone should drink eight glasses of water a day. It may still sound like a good place to start, but just like the archaic BMI (or Body Mass Index) scale, this eight-glass rule has proven out of date and irrelevant in the 21st century.

wadays, experts recommend drinking at least 95 ounces for women and 125 ounces for men, that's five to seven bottles of rthern Chill alkaline water. For the more active, some recommend increasing your intake to 0.5 to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight.

This is especially useful if you're doing repetitions and burning calories at the gym. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends taking about 20 ounces before a workout, 10 ounces every 15 minutes - 40 ounces for an hour's workout - and finishing with the last 32 ounces. Bottom line: Drinking half a gallon of water a day is a good start, but your body needs more. So drink up.


Sure, carrying a few rthern Chills in your backpack or keeping a suitcase in your fridge will make it easier for you to measure how much water you're taking in, but don't forget that there are other ways to stay hydrated that you may not have count. Sports drinks with a high electrolyte content also contribute to hydration and are helpful in athletic performance.

But don't stop just with drinks, either: many fruits and vegetables contain high levels of water, which makes them great sources of hydration. As a starting point, the CDC recommends that adults eat at least 1½ to 2 cups of fruit and 2 to 3 cups of vegetables daily.

Take lettuce, for example. A 3-ounce serving of lettuce contains approximately 3 ounces of water. Strawberries now contain up to 5.3 ounces of water. If your taste buds can chop a combination or the other, a strawberry salad salad can be the equivalent of an 8-ounce glass of water.

In addition to lettuce and strawberries, other foods with a high water concentration include melon-based fruits like melon and watermelon, and green vegetables like celery, cucumber, broccoli, and spinach. Other foods like carrots and tomatoes also contain a lot of water.

# 3: A SIX-PACK H2O for your SIX-PACK

Regardless of how much evidence we bring of the benefits of hydration, there are people who believe that reducing or eliminating water can lower water weight and highlight their abs.

However, experts say that deliberate dehydration can actually make your six pack abs look soft because your body is holding on to more sodium than it normally does.

Limiting water and fluid intake is strongly recommended when losing weight. If the body is made too long, it actually holds onto the water to make up for the lack of fluids it receives, which can eventually lead to slower fat burning. From there, your problems can build up, starting with kidney and liver disease which can lead to constipation or an abundance of toxins building up in your body.

More about rthern Chill

rthern Chill prides itself on being an American water bottled in the beautiful rthwoods of Polar, Wisconsin. It is in this pure and pristine place that this high quality and naturally alkaline mineral spring water is born and bottled. Aquifer created by a glacier directly at the source. rthern Chill is all natural; nothing is added. Its smooth and refreshing taste is based on its natural mineral content and largely sets it apart from its competitors. Drinking rthern Chill is a natural way to stay hydrated and water that will fit the lifestyle of any American, whether you work or play, relax or exercise. Drinking water is essential for a healthy diet and lifestyle. rthern Chill proudly supports and donates four important groups in America: the military, first responders, truckers, and farmers. For more information, including where to buy, visit

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