Through blood work, sweat and tears, Mike Ranfone has taken a new step at his Connecticut training center to improve the health and fitness levels of his customers and professional athletes alike.
The former Yale University strength and conditioning coach built his Ranfone training systems from a 4,500 square foot two-person operation more than a decade ago to a sprawling 17,000 square foot fitness facility in Hamden, CT, about 90 minutes north of New York City. But even with this successful expansion, the COVID-19 pandemic forced Ranfone and almost every gym owner for the past year and a half to face a new challenge: either adjust or fold.
With the launch of its fitness brand's latest development this week - Ranfone Personal Consulting - the respected personal trainer has transitioned beyond app-based fitness workouts into results-based adaptation training programs. The new project not only focuses on coaching and personal responsibility for its customers, both internally and online, Ranfone now offers comprehensive medical examinations for customers, including blood tests, sleep analyzes, stress analyzes, rounded off with an extensive, personalized fitness package once only as a benefit Intended for top athletes or big customers. w any weekend warrior can get a clear, science-based assessment that can identify genetic or nutritional barriers that may have blocked fitness gains.
Luis Benitez
“It's easy to say I want to lose 20 pounds. I want to sleep better, you know. I want better stress management, ”says Ranfone. "I think the goal is really to understand over a longer time horizon what health really means for every customer."
Ranfone Personal Consulting enables clients to keep track of their food and water intake (broken down by calories, fat, protein, fiber, etc.), sleep intake, weight, steps, etc. one way to encourage accountability and get clients to do a little bit of their body to understand deeper.
"When you look at a metabolic profile from a blood count, you look at things like glucose A1C, C-PAP things like that, but on the surface it's really about body transformation," says Ranfone. “This will give people more information on how to lose weight or gain muscle mass. So we've been doing this for a long time, but we just never really had these components on site to show what (customers) are still being done for.
Since opening in 2010, Ranfone has helped countless New England residents exceed their fitness goals. He has worked with college and professional athletes to create new PRs while helping everyone from teachers, nurses, single mothers to construction workers to transform their bodies through weight loss and muscle gain. With its new functions including the addition of a full-time physician to the facility, Ranfone provides professional athlete care to any weekend warrior.
Luis Benitez
"One thing in fitness is to see an aesthetic result, but we want to make sure that it is a by-product of the process and that the process does not affect the inner workings of the metabolism," says Marko Lujic M.P.H. M.D. at Ranfone Personal Consulting. "The only way to check the status of this chemical is through laboratory data."
What does this mean for both gym attendees and those taking part in the Ranfone program online? Lujic says the details of the analysis will include metabolic markers related to pancreatic function and glucose control, inflammation, muscle recovery, and even nutrition. w customers get a full display of what foods are causing inflammation or other types of imbalances in their system that are slowing profits.
Ranfone says plans for digitization were in the works but was forced to accelerate the implementation of its post-COVID post-COVID start in the states in early 2020. So far, COVID has had a devastating effect on gyms, as a recent report announced that nearly 25% of gyms nationwide are permanently closed.
“COVID wasn't really good for us. But our intention was to go online and become like a local remote service company, ”he says. "So we had this playbook ready."