Leap just like the champ jumper Harinder Sekhon with this HIIT step exercise

Malaysian-born Harinder Sekhon is a busy day math teacher, but his after-school activities are far from edgy. t only does he play for his national cricket team, he also holds world records in jumping.

The 30-year-old broke the "highest standing jump on one leg" distance last May and cleared a whopping 4 feet and 6.49 inches. Sekhon was also awarded Malaysia's “highest standing jump” of 4 feet and 5.93 inches and was awarded the world record for “the greatest number of jumps a man can make on an 18-inch box in 60 seconds” with a total of 36 insane jumps.

Declaring his passion for cricket and jumping, Sekhon shares an exclusive level-based workout that doesn't require fitness equipment for those looking to increase their strength and endurance.

Courtesy Harinder Sekhon

Jumping is the order of the day

"Hip mobility is a topic that really isn't getting enough coverage," says Sekhon, who understands that hip flexibility is a key part of making a great jump. He's a big advocate of doing hip, quads, and calf stretching, and the athlete shares many of his tips on Instagram.

When the coronavirus pandemic forced Malaysian gyms to close, Sekhon ordered some plyo boxes and started jumping on them at home. “I just wanted to try something new and keep up with my fitness,” he says. “I would definitely recommend plyometry as part of any fitness routine because the benefits are endless. Strength, strength and endurance can all be achieved through plyometric circuits. ”Within a few months, Sekhon's jumping game had improved so much that he attempted a world record and surprisingly won several awards on his first attempt in May.

Stay nimble

The high-flyer has found that his love of box jumping and the training that goes with it is a great addition to his performance as a wicket keeper in cricket, where Sekhon has the task of kneeling behind the tree stumps (similar to a catcher). in baseball). Cricket is played in 180 countries and is the second most popular sport in the world after football. Sekhon has the distinction of being the first Malaysian to represent the sport at the World Indoor Cricket Championship and must move sharply on game day to play the ball. Equally impressive, he can run 5 km in just 17.5 minutes.

"These circuits (below) certainly help keep my legs strong," says Sekhon. “In addition, the specific movements in this training will make you more agile and nimble.” This hybrid athlete already holds records, but is not finished yet. "I will try to break my national and world records and set new records in the near future," he says, considering one record in particular. "The Malaysian long jump record is my next goal."

Sekhon points out that for those in the early stages of their fitness journey, further adjustments can be made to their workouts by increasing the rest interval times. “The main focus is on teaching the body to jump higher and further by creating its own strength and power,” he says. And the best part about it? fitness equipment is required for the tour, all you need is a reliable step. If you feel confident about doing this, you can increase the height of some of these movements by going up one step.

“This HIIT workout is on for 30 seconds and off for 30 seconds,” instructs Sekhon. “But as you get more comfortable with the route, you can adjust these times to your desired intensity. Alternatively, you can turn this workout into a time-based challenge where you try to get as many reps and sets as possible within a given time frame. "

Guiness world record holder Christopher Spell holds his certificates for his record high jump

Harinder Sekhon's HIIT Step Circuit

Step-up and knee raises

Stand in front of a sturdy staircase. Stand on one leg, then use the other leg to bring your knee up to hip level, or work your way up to that if it is too high. You can use your hands to track movement and help balance. Make sure your toes are pointing forward. Repeat.

Step jump

Stand in front of the stairs and choose a comfortable step to jump on. You can make changes by taking a higher step, but you need to be able to maintain controlled movement. Switch off from the balls of your feet and use a good arm swing to increase your swing, but don't lean forward too much. The aim is to land as gently as possible with both feet at the same time. Carefully step backwards after each jump and repeat.

Alternative entry

With one foot on an elevated step and the other foot behind you on the floor, you can easily switch positions in one smooth motion. Maintain a good pace and try to land on your heels so that it is easier for you to jump off. Use your hands for balance and to help lift off, then repeat the process.

Rising up

Instead of switching positions after the first step, step with the other foot so that they meet on the same step. Once you land with both feet, step back with one foot and then step off the second foot so that they hit the ground. Repeat the process.

If you have access to a gym and are looking for some of the more advanced exercises Sekhon does, such as the one-legged box squat, our man shows it off too.

To follow Harinder Sekhon's record-breaking progress and keep up with these latest fitness tips, follow him on Instagram at @harinsekhon.

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