A testament to the strength and power of the human spirit. The will to go deeper, a place inside you that has never been before. An inexplicable spiritual power that will make you surpass your own expectations. Taking it to another level when it's not about you. Understand the why and purpose of the mission.
At 60, my personal best deadlift for reps with my bodyweight is 205 pounds for 20 reps. Then Diego and Marissa came along. Two incredibly special kids fighting the biggest fight of them all.
Marissa and Diego will continue to have the greatest fight of all. bed Thorp
I strapped myself in and prepared to do my best. I glanced at little Diego and Marissa. Diego gave me a big thumbs up. Marissa gave me a bright, beautiful smile. It wasn't about a personal best. That's about how much I can give of myself to two kids I've never met before but know of their great struggle.
Rob Fletcher, Diego and his father bed Thorp
Rob Fletcher prepares to exceed expectations. bed Thorp
I started deadlifting...
At 15 reps I started to falter. I felt like I could do a maximum of eight more reps. Suddenly I'm at 24 reps, I pause. I think of the challenges ahead for Diego and Marissa and the families. That's when I heard my father's voice... "Go Robbie, go. You're not done, son."
I continue, legs are fried. I stop again, looking over at Diego and Marissa who are cheering and clapping. My heart and mind are roaring and saying to myself, "You have more." I continue. Again, I'll take a look at why "every rep matters." . . Diego and Marissa's lives matter. I nod to both; I scream out 5 more reps. I look over again, 5 more reps.
w at 44 reps. My legs want out, I did 3 more reps. TG big brother Steve cums in my face and screams I promised them five! I get another representative. Steve screams for another rep...another!!! My knees are starting to tremble and were about to buckle. . . one last pull for a total of 49 reps.
Rob Fletcher hugs Diego. "You are my inspiration" bed Thorp
The point of this story, the why and the purpose, was much bigger than a personal best. You can far exceed all expectations. Here the impossible becomes possible. At The Gym (TG) the VIBE is different. Completely different. We're not just a gym, we're a culture of power and purpose. A belief about strong beliefs, beliefs and values. My heart, thoughts and strong prayers will continue for Diego and Marissa.
TG Chula Vista Deadlift Challenge "Every Rep Counts". For every deadlift rep performed, TG Chula donates $1 to the Mitchell Thorp Foundation. TG Founder George Jackson formed a strong bond with Brad and Beth Thorp after losing their son while founding the Mitchell Thorp Foundation. Raising funds for families and their children who have been diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses. Together we can inspire and uplift others. Give hope when others are about to give up. Dig deeper to make a bigger difference in someone's life.
Pedro Aguilar, George Jackson, Mike O'Hearn, Mona Muresan, Rob Fletcher, Clark Bartram bed Thorp