three canned fish which can be good for you

We know you dig that canned fish, sardines. Unfortunately, it turns out that the most reliable seafood watch groups strongly advise against buying them. They are overfished, which threatens not only the sardine populations but also the Mediterranean food chains. (Low stocks in the past have even forced the Pacific sardine fishery to temporarily close.)

In addition, many prepared seafood contains dangerous mercury. Mercury, unlike many of the other minerals that you consume in your diet, has no essential function - meaning it is basically useless. In addition, mercury can be harmful as it can displace selenium (which is an important production and absorption of antioxidants) in large quantities. To help you bypass mercury laden options, we've put together this helpful list of the safest seafood available.

All in all, canned fish has a place in your cupboards - many varieties are made almost entirely of protein with very few carbohydrates and healthy fats. They're also a quick snack: just open the can and add some condiments and it's lunchtime.

Here are some great alternatives to sardines.

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