Here's a fast information for participating in your first DEKA race

Think of DEKA Fit as the Super Bowl of all fitness events. From the makers of Spartan, DEKA FIT is a modern functional fitness decathlon that was developed for all fitness levels and goes around the world at speed.

DEKA emphasizes targeted training and is named after the Greek word for the number 10.

The company's mission, led by CEO Joe de Sena, is to positively impact 100 million lives through fitness by offering diverse programs and events for all fitness levels while encouraging DEKA attendees to celebrate their fitness.

“We wanted to create something that was suitable for the masses, for everyone with every fitness level,” says Jarod Cogswell, Co-Creator and Senior Director of DEKA. As one of the most versatile indoor functional fitness trainings, there is a good reason for every DEKA zone.

The sense behind the DEKA zones

"Each zone is based on rudimentary movements," says Cogswell of the 10 challenges in each DEKA race. "When it wasn't movement, fitness, or training, thousands of years ago, it was survival: lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, kneeling, jumping, kicking, climbing over something, falling on the ground and getting up again, and three basic modes of transportation - Rowing, skiing and cycling. "

Conclusion: Anything within the 10 zones will get even the toughest hardcore athlete in serious shape!

Zone flow is designed to begin with basic movements in the early zones that, in combination, target the entire body. The second half, zones 6-10, requires 100% full body focus at each stop. Adding running in front of each zone makes the workout more challenging, yet it is a great workout choice for all fitness levels - whether you are walking or running.

Courtesy Spartan Race

DEKA under the microscope: events, zones and training to become a DEKA.

DEKA consists of three different types of events:

  • DEKA STARK - A direct fitness test and an evaluation with all 10 DEKA zones (without running).
  • DEK ONE MILE - Each DEKA zone is preceded by a 160-meter run (a total of 1 mile).
  • DEK A FIT - Each zone is preceded by a 500-meter run (a total of 5 km).

Are you ready for a DEKA apprenticeship?

If there is no DEKA gym nearby, you can still get in DEKA shape. Cogswell suggests that those who don't have proper equipment should choose 10 functional exercise moves that include a full body workout with running in between. And at the pace at which DEKA fitness studios are expanding, you may soon have one near you!

Day 1:

    • 500m run at mile race pace x 6 w / 2min break

Day 2:

    • Spartan RAM (or other weight device)
    • Alternate reverse lunge x 30.
    • Row 500m
    • Box jump or step overs x 20
    • Rest 3min. This completes 1 round.
    • Repeat for a total of 3 rounds

Day 3:

    • Med. Ball Situp Throw x 30
    • SkiErg x 500m Farmer & # 39; s Walk x 100m
    • Rest 3min. This completes 1 round.
    • Repeat for a total of 3 rounds.

Day 4:

    • Running, running / walking or walking x 22 minutes with comfortable aerobic exertion (Zone 3, if you know your HR zones)

Day 5:

    • Airbike x 25 cal
    • Dead Ball Wall over x 20
    • Tank M4 or slide push / pull x 100m
    • (Push 10m / pull 10m x 5)
    • Spartan RAM Burpee x 20
    • Rest 3min. This completes 1 round.
    • Repeat for a total of 3 rounds.

Fit female Deka FIT competitor carrying a weight on her neck for the obstacle courseCourtesy Spartan Race

Train, then test yourself

Targeted training before and between each DEKA brand test (time / score) and each event offers every fitness level the opportunity to improve in these 10 functional areas of movement. "As DEKA grades improve, that person's overall fitness and health improves," explains Cogswell. Self-improvement can be addicting, says Cogswell, because as you get stronger and healthier, you will also be more motivated to improve your results.

“With DEKA we offer targeted training and testing for all fitness levels; In the same arena, on the same day and according to the exact standards, every fitness level can come together and celebrate fitness together. "

Bottom line, whether you're a 20-year-old top athlete, a 40-year-old beginner, or even a grandmother over 60, you are more than capable of participating in a DEKA race, according to Cogswell.

The DEKA zones: Cogswell walks us through the details of what each zone offers the body. (The athletes run 500 meters between each zone in DEKAFIT before going into the next zone)

DekaFit Racer competing and rowing in Zone 2 while being watched by a judgeCourtesy Spartan Race


To kick off the event, DEKA begins with a basic knee / lunge movement that targets the lower body muscle groups, core, range of motion, flexibility, balance and coordination while doing a weighted ram roll (55 pounds for men / 33 pounds for Women). over the shoulder for 30 reps (15 per leg). The knees must be touching the floor and no split squat jumps are criteria for a successful repetition. (500M run before going to the next zone)

ZONE 2: 500M ROW

fancy descriptions are required for this fitness staple: Your entire body, from your legs to your torso to your upper body, 500 meters long. The only rule: the participant must remain seated on the rower with his feet buckled in until the display shows 500 meters. (500M run before going to the next zone)


In the meantime you can feel some of the burning. This event focuses on balance and coordination and challenges your neuromuscular system and your central nervous system. You make 20 jumps. Both feet must be touching the top of the box and the floor for one repetition. (500M run before going to the next zone)


Your core and upper body strength (including grip strength and shoulder mobility) will be challenged in this phase of the event. When you've completed all 25 med-ball situps (20 pounds for men / 14 for women), your coordination, balance, and each muscle group will be naturally tested. (500M run before going to the next zone)


At 500 meters on the skier it is more similar, which means more stress on the shoulders, torso and lower body. Competitors must remain on the erg platform until 500 meters are reached. (500M run before going to the next zone)


The Farmer & # 39; s Carry features a movement that requires basic lifting and carrying skills (60 pounds for men / 40 pounds for women) that put the body in a position where full body strength (with a great focus on grip strength) after the stress of the two) previous zones), balance and coordination are required. You can drop the weights at any time, but not pull them to the finish line. (500M run before going to the next zone)


After the first six zones have been completed, the body is unquestionably warmed up and ready for the start of the "DEKA Gateway" - zones 7-10. Here every muscle group is needed and the aerobic engines of the participants are tested. This is possibly the toughest zone as this is where most can see how powerful their aerobic engines are. After completing 6 zones, you will now be challenged with what is arguably the toughest zone of all 10. (500m run before going to the next zone)

Mobility, flexibility, balance, and coordination also play key roles in lifting a weighted slam ball (60 pound ball for men / 40 pound ball for women) by any means over a 1.2 foot wall for 20 Repetitions (10 per side.). ). (500M run before going to the next zone)


Mobility, flexibility, balance, and coordination also play key roles in lifting a weighted slam ball (60 pound ball for men / 40 pound ball for women) by any means over a 1.2 foot wall for 20 Repetitions (10 per side.). ). (500M run before going to the next zone)


Pushing 10 meters in each direction while pulling back 10 meters at the same time makes your whole body feel like pushing a real tank. To complete the entire 100 meters, the back of the tank must start behind the start line and must be pushed until the entire tank crosses the finish line.


Probably the most well-rounded strength training exercise ever used. The Spartan RAM Burpee requires a squat, which involves lowering the body to the floor from a level position, pushing the body off the floor, standing up while lifting the weight off the floor, and finally pushing the weight overhead. More than any other movement in the zones, every joint and muscle group is stressed and at the same time the tired body is challenged with extensive balance and coordination.

The ultimate functional strength training program to prepare your body for anything

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