Olympia World MAS Wrestling Championship 2022 shall be held throughout the Olympia World Health Pageant

Strength athletes from rth and South America, Africa, Asia and Europe will compete for world championship belts in two women's weight classes; and four weight classes for men. The competition will be held in double elimination tournament format with fast paced, competitive and fun fights.

Courtesy of Odd Haugen, MAS Wrestling

MAS Wrestling is the international name for the Yakut ethnic sport derived from the traditional stick-pulling game mast tard'yhyy. MAS Wrestling – the national sport of Yakutia, rtheast Siberia. Borrowing from the Eskimo Stick Pull featured at the World Eskimo Indian Olympics, as well as the Highland Games strength test, The Swingle Tree (played with a shepherd's stick), contestants in MAS Wrestling competitions sit in front of one another and brace one another on feet against the board dividing the competition area and pulling on a wooden stick (MAS), taking care to start over the support board. MAS Wrestling has roots in Viking games that go back more than a thousand years. Referred to as “kjevletrekk” in the rse language in Viking sagas, it was a staple of physical education throughout the millennium. MAS wrestling demands mobility and great muscular strength of the hands, legs, back and abdomen and is one of the best tests of functional strength.

Don't miss Mas Wrestling at the Arnold Sports Festival

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