Patrick Mahome's Exercise: The explosive routine that makes him unstoppable

Most football workouts call for heavy heavy metal. The workout Patrick Mahomes relies on to stay lightning fast and have his arm firing like a cannon revolving around explosive power. That's not to say the Kansas City Chiefs quarterback can't lift heavy; He deadlifts 550 pounds. But his longtime trainer, Bobby Stroupe, founder of APEC in Texas, prioritizes med ball work because it can train Mahomes to generate power from all angles. He conducts medicine ball practice twice a week year-round, in-season or off-season. You'll work through about 20 different med-ball drills (think throws, rotational passes, and shot put) with weights ranging from heavy to light.

"It's a great way to train the same muscles as football, with a different implementation," says Stroupe.

It seems to work. In 2020, when Patrick Mahomes was just 24, he became the youngest quarterback in NFL history to snag the holy trinity: a Super Bowl title, a Super Bowl MVP award, and a league MVP award. He's a naturally gifted athlete with 2,159 total passing yards, 20 passing touchdowns and a 109.5 quarterback rating in the 2022-23 season, but he's also a voracious competitor.

"Patrick doesn't want to lose at anything," says Stroupe.

His NFL record is a good indicator of that. Mahomes secured his second ring with a 38-35 win over the Philadelphia Eagles at Super Bowl LVII. The game was a thrill, with the lead bouncing back and forth between the two well-matched teams. We spoke to Stroupe about Mahomes' preparation work, including training strategies, recovery methods and on-pitch rituals. Read what it takes to build a Super Bowl MVP and try one of Mahomes' very own workouts.

Want to train like a two-time Super Bowl champion? Here's an explosive upper body workout that Stroupe Mahomes demands. Perform a proper dynamic warm-up before completing the workout below.

Patrick Mahomes' Explosive Strength Training

What you will need: Access to a cable machine and medicine balls (10 to 20 pounds).

What it works: These exercises mobilize the thoracic spine (upper and middle back), increase core and arm strength, improve rotational strength, and promote explosive power.

How it goes: This workout is broken down into supersets, which means you're performing two paired exercises in a row without a break. Perform 3 sets of 6 reps for the pair before moving on to the next superset. Rest 1 minute between supersets.

1A High to low cable woodchop

How it goes: Connect a standard handle attachment and then move the reel to the highest position. Stand with your right side parallel to the cable tower, feet shoulder-width apart. Grip the handle with your left hand and place your right hand over your knuckles. Step away from the machine to create excitement. Start with your arms fully extended and your knees slightly bent. Inhale and then exhale as you forcefully press the handle down across your body at a 45-degree angle, twist off your right foot as you twist your torso to the left, and hold with your hands just outside your left knees on. Your back should be straight, your core tight and your arms extended. Hold for one count, then return to the starting position in a slow, controlled manner. Perform 6 reps, then switch sides.

1B. Overhead Rainbow Med Ball Slam

How it goes: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with your knees slightly bent and hold a medicine ball in both hands. Keeping core tight and elbows at 90 degrees, rotate torso counterclockwise, arch medicine ball overhead and slam it to the left of your right foot on the floor. Pick up the ball and put it back, keeping the medicine ball on your left hip; Repeat the movement to hit the ball to the right. Alternate Pages. Do 6 repetitions per side.

2A Intermediate level cable woodchop

How it goes: Connect a standard handle attachment and then move the reel to the middle position. Stand with your right side parallel to the cable tower, feet shoulder-width apart. Grip the handle with your left hand and place your right hand over your knuckles. Step away from the machine to create excitement. Start with your arms fully extended and your knees slightly bent. Inhale and then exhale as you forcefully press the handle down across your body at a 45-degree angle, twist off your right foot as you twist your torso to the left, and hold with your hands just outside your left knees on. Hold a count, then return to the starting position in a slow, controlled manner. Perform 6 reps, then switch sides.

Medicine Ball Spin Throw

2 B. Med Ball Spin Throw

How it goes: Stand with your right side parallel to a wall with your legs staggered and your right foot forward. Bend your hips and knees slightly and hold a medicine ball at arm's length, hands reaching up from below. Rotate your torso to the left, shift your weight to your left foot, and pull the ball to your left hip. Twist your torso powerfully and use the strength in your legs to throw the ball against the wall. (Imagine heaving something heavy onto the back of a truck.) Pick up the ball and repeat the process with the opposite side facing the wall. Alternate Pages. Do 6 repetitions per side.

3A Low to high cable woodchop

How it goes: Connect a standard handle attachment and then move the reel to the lowest position. Stand with your right side parallel to the cable tower, feet shoulder-width apart. Grip the handle with your left hand and place your right hand over your knuckles. Step away from the machine to create excitement. Start with your arms fully extended and your knees slightly bent. Engage the right side of your body while twisting your torso to bring the grip to your shins. Inhale and then exhale as you explosively drive the handle up your body until your hands are above your head. Your back should be straight, your core tight, and your arms extended. Hold for one count, then return to the starting position in a slow, controlled manner. Perform 6 reps, then switch sides.

3B. Reverse Scoop Diagonal Med Ball Toss

How it goes: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a medicine ball on your right hip. Inhale as you bend at the hips to lower into a squat, then exhale as you explosively straighten through your hips and toss the ball behind you over your left shoulder. Go to the ball and start the next rep. Alternate Pages. Do 6 repetitions per side.

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