The Fats Burning Kettlebell Complicated

The kettlebell is not only one of the most effective and versatile pieces of equipment, it is also one of the most convenient. When you're short on time or looking for a quick workout you can do anywhere with minimal effort, all you need is a bell.

For those tired of waiting for dumbbells or machines, or looking for a fresh and intense way to train, we asked Mike Stehle of Training Room Online in Avon, NJ for his recipe. All you need is a kettlebell and 20 minutes.

The protocol

Set a timer for 20 minutes. Perform as many rounds of the following moves with a kettlebell as you can.

Exercise 1

Kettlebell deadlift progression The starting position should be with the bell between your feet in your athletic stance. Keeping your spine neutral and eyes slightly down, fold at the hips and grasp the handles of the bell. Your heels should be firmly flat on the floor and your shoulder blades pulled back. Be careful not to let your shoulders roll forward. Stand up with the bell until your knees are locked and your glutes are tight. To lower the bell with good technique, begin the downward movement with your hips and maintain the arch in your lower back. Keep your head and neck neutral throughout the movement.

exercise 2

Traditional push-up Place your arms shoulder-width apart, back straight, and feet together.

exercise 3

Kettlebell high pull Start with the kettlebell in front of you. Explosively pull the bell up the side of the body while leading with your elbow. You can use the dead start or swing technique. When you reach the top, roughly just below the chin, slowly lower the bell. Don't stop the bell or hold it up, the movement should be fluid. Allowing your hips to support much of the movement means too much of your upper body is involved as the bell flaps and wobbles.

exercise 4

Traditional push-up Place your arms shoulder-width apart, back straight, and feet together.

exercise 5

Two-handed kettlebell swing Stand in front of you with the bell again. Walk the bell back between your legs like a soccer ball while maintaining the arch of the lower back and pivoting at the hips as well. The swing is more like a hip walk than a squat, so it places more emphasis on the glutes and hamstrings. When swinging, the bell should just come out of the crotch and not get too close to the ground. Coming out of the deep hike is followed by an explosive hip swing, locking your knees at the top of the movement. Make sure to keep the neck of the bell in a neutral position throughout the swing, and your heels should stay planted at all times. Keep your shoulders straight and your arms relaxed as you swing - let your hips do the driving. The highest point of the swing should have the bell at waist or chest height, no higher. Control the momentum on the descent.

exercise 6

Traditional push-up Place your arms shoulder-width apart, back straight, and feet together.

exercise 7

Kettlebell mug squat From the deadlift position, with the bell between your feet, pull the bell up and hold it by the sides of the handles or under the ball. Squeeze your elbows in, lean back on your heels, and squat into a range of motion , which allows your spine to remain neutral or flat. Ideally, the desirable range should be around 90 degrees. As you come out of the squat and stand up, keep your weight back on your heels and tighten your glutes and quads at the top.

exercise 8

Traditional push-up Place your arms shoulder-width apart, back straight, and feet together.

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