Removed from house health

I know your clients work very hard every day to build more muscle and burn excess body fat. They most likely prep all their meals, plan their supplements carefully, and make sure they hit the gym between 4 and 7 days a week either before or after work/school. However, sometimes it is necessary to adjust their routine when planning a short or longer visit from home. In these cases, they may not have access to a commercial gym full of fancy equipment, can't prepare or weigh their food, or even don't have the time or ability to eat every meal on an exact schedule. However, this does not mean giving up, giving in, or simply accepting that they need to take a few steps back. By making a few thoughtful and intelligently planned changes to their diet/exercise/supplement program, you can not only prevent your clients from falling behind, but you may even find them making extra progress while they're away!

Here are some of the strategies you can use with your clients to keep their physical transformation routine on track, even when obstacles or travel are trying to throw them off track.


At home, it's easy to control all aspects of your diet. Your customers can quickly go to the market when they run out of food. You can prepare all meals under the watchful eye in your own kitchen. And they can precisely dose all of their nutrients to ensure proteins, carbs and fats are exactly where they need to be. However, while away, one may not have access to all of the foods one eats regularly, the necessary tools or time to prepare one's meals, or even the ability to stick to one's regular eating schedule. They may have no choice but to eat on the go, rely on quick "feeds," and/or consume food from restaurants or at social or professional events. While it may be impossible to stick to the exact eating plan in these situations, that doesn't mean your clients can't still eat in a way that at least maintains the appearance of their body.

Coach suggestions for your clients

  • Let them take protein powder, water and a shaker cup with them wherever they go so they never miss a protein meal.
  • Let them pick up easy-to-carry/eat foods that they can use as healthy snacks or as an addition to protein powder, such as nuts, seeds, fruit, grain breads, and rice cakes.
  • Advise them that when you eat out, try to fill 1/2 of your plate with quality protein, ¼ with healthy carbohydrates and ¼ with vegetables.
  • As they eat, remind them to prepare all dishes without adding butter or high-calorie sauces.
  • Let them set a timer on their watch to go off every 2-3 hours so they know it's time for a productive meal.

model day

  • Meal 1: Egg whites, turkey bacon, whole grain toast
  • Meal 2: protein powder, fruit
  • Meal 3: Salad with chicken breast, rice cake
  • Meal 4: protein powder, nuts
  • Meal 5: Steak, Vegetables
  • Meal 6: protein powder


Of course, when your clients are at home, they can use a wide range of products to create a complete and maximally effective supplement program. When traveling or on vacation, however, you don't have to take the entire kitchen pantry with you in your own suitcase. That being said, there are certain supplements that should always stay in the program that will help you stay on track no matter how many miles you have to travel from home.

Trainer's suggestions for a supplemental mini-stack

  • multivitamin
  • whey protein powder
  • BCAAs
  • Before the training
  • glutamine
  • vitamin C
  • Omega-3 fatty acids

4 compound movements for massive biceps and triceps


It's always wise for your clients to call ahead when traveling to find out if there's a local gym that offers daily or weekly passes for those coming from out of town. Depending on the hotel he/she is staying at, one might also find that he/she has a fitness center with enough equipment to get in a solid workout while he/she is away. However, in those cases where there are no gyms or not enough take-out time to travel back and forth, you can still ensure your client's muscles are getting the stimulation they need with nothing more than a pair of exercise bands and your own body weight.

example training

The following is to be performed as a "circle" so that he/she goes from one exercise to the next without a break. This allows them to exercise muscles while increasing heart rate for an added cardiovascular effect.

  • Wide-grip push-ups...15 reps
  • 2 Arms Bent Over Band Row...15 reps
  • Bodyweight squats...25 reps
  • Band Upright Row… 15 reps
  • Band curls...12 reps
  • Alternating bodyweight lunges… 12 reps per leg
  • Band tricep kickbacks...12 reps
  • Bike crunches...20 reps per side
  • Bodyweight Single Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift...10 reps per leg

* breaks between exercises (or as little as possible)

** Rest 3-5 minutes once full circulation is complete. Repeat the circuit 2-3 more times.

Eric Broser is an IFBB Pro and coach of elite athletes. Check out Broser Built on Muscle & Fitness+

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