Category Archives: Articles

The month-long machine-only chest plan

We build machines every day to build things. Machines build cars; they build roads; they build computers; They build robots. So why not build your body with machines? Ask this question to a dozen trend-following "New Age" trainers and about 10 of them will answer emphatically, "Because machines don't work." t correct. Machines are undoubtedly [...]

6 merchandise that can assist you get well from a break from coaching

Returning from a fitness break? Use these products to train harder and recover faster. 1. WHOOP 3.0 belt Based on the intensity of your training and the daily stress level (measured by heart rate variability), WHOOP estimates how much sleep you should get in order to achieve maximum performance the next day. The Strain Coach [...]

The most effective COVID-19 masks for indoor and out of doors exercises

In the past, those who audibly puffed and puffed their way through training were just annoying. w - as they share equipment and haunt gyms with sweat and heavy breath - they can be downright deadly, emitting tiny, potentially infectious particles that linger in the air for hours. This makes gyms a particularly high-risk environment [...]

The three-month coaching plan for complete physique transformation

Are you ready to start your own body transformation? Try this sample workout from Shannon Dey, M.S., founder and CEO of Bombshell Fitness, a competitive training and coaching group for women athletes. If this routine seems intense to experts, that's because it is. But if you want to shape, tone, and tone your entire body [...]

5 of essentially the most breathtaking runs in Crater Lake Nationwide Park

Did you know that Crater Lake in Oregon is the deepest lake in the United States? The sapphire water is easy on the eyes and the climbs in and around this caldera are steep enough that even the most experienced trail runner feels like he's been working. While on a road trip through some famous [...]