Author Archives: admin

Former NFL star Kenny Vaccaro is now gearing up as esports CEO

Kenny Vaccaro is best known to football fans as a former safety for the Texas Longhorns, New Orleans Saints and Tennessee Titans. And while he's still as competitive as ever, the 31-year-old is now part of a whole different team. As the co-founder of a professional esports organization called "Gamers First" (or "G1"), which is [...]

Finest Anti Loud night breathing Gadgets: The High 5 Merchandise That Truly Work.

This is sponsored content. M&F is not endorsing the websites or products listed in this article. After annoying my family for years with my snoring, I finally decided to try some anti snoring devices. So far, I’ve tried about 20 different products, and most felt uncomfortable and didn’t do anything to stop my snoring. But [...]

Die besten Sport-Ohrhörer und -Kopfhörer für jedes Finances

Egal, ob Sie eine anstrengende Trainingseinheit oder einen nächtlichen Lauf unternehmen, eine Workout-Playlist ist unerlässlich, um Sie noch einen Schritt weiter zu bringen, aber diese hämmernden Beats werden flach, wenn Sie nicht die richtigen Sport-Ohrhörer haben, mit denen Sie sie ausklingen lassen können. Hier hat M&F die heißesten Tipps für einen großartigen Audio-Begleiter und Sport-Ohrhörer [...]

Caesar Bacarella is constructing a health empire at full pace

The Olympia logo has long been iconic in the fitness world, but now it's recognizable in everyday life as well. It can be seen on clothing, in gyms around the world, and even on the trim of an official NASCAR race car. Most recently, the global icon of bodybuilding excellence was prominently featured on the [...]

These three manufacturers have created eco-friendly clothes for autumn and winter

Autumn is a special time of year when the climate feels a little fresher and the crumpled leaves underfoot are a reminder that we live in a truly wonderful world. But as we venture into the great outdoors, it's important to recognize that we must all do our part to protect our beautiful earth in [...]

Josh Pierson goes from guitar hero to Grand Prix champion along with his fitness center bag

While most 16-year-olds are just beginning to envision what they want to do when they grow up, Josh Pierson has already begun to make motorsport history. Last year he won the Sebring 1,000, which was his debut race, making him the youngest ever race winner in the FIA ​​World Endurance Championship. In June he became [...]

GEWINNSTRATEGIE: Whitney Jones kann brechen, aber niemals gebrochen werden

Dreimal zur Ms. Fitness Olympia gekrönt zu werden, macht Whitney Jones zu einer Ikone unter ihren Bodybuilding- und Fitnesskollegen. Wenn jedoch die Mainstream-Sportwelt von den Comeback-Geschichten des gebürtigen Arizonaers wüsste – und es gibt einige zur Auswahl –, wäre Jones‘ Status allgemein legendär. Nicht alle Widrigkeiten von Jones – Jones hat für ihre zahlreichen Titel [...]

Brunch Is not Only for Cheat Days (If That is How You Put together It)

A bottomless pit of pancakes, frittatas, bacon and mimosa means one thing: it's brunch time. Although the Mid-Morning Meal's title sounds fancy, it's simply the combination of the two words breakfast and lunch. (But you probably already knew that). What you may not know is that there are easy ways to cook and prepare a [...]