Author Archives: admin

Easy methods to get extra information out of your tracker

You might think you know the capabilities of your watch or bracelet, but you're probably underusing some valuable features. This little device on your wrist doesn't just log strenuous vertical climbs and horizontal downtime. Trackers use proprietary algorithms to provide unprecedented access to information about your body. But it only helps if you know what [...]

IFBB-Profi Donna Salib wechselte vom Bodyslam zum Bodybuilding

Donna Salib ist eine erfolgreiche IFBB-Profi, Olympia-qualifizierte Bodybuilderin und lebt etwas außerhalb von Louisville, KY, wo, wie sie sagt, „wir für unseren Bourbon und unsere Pferde bekannt sind“. Ein Blick in ihre Biografie findet Elemente wie: pensionierter Rettungssanitäter/Feuerwehrmann, Personal Trainer, Vorbereitungstrainer, zertifizierter Kraft- und Konditionstrainer und Botschafter für Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen wie Active Heroes (Militärveteranen und ihre [...]

Why a wellness division is sensible for bodybuilding

There is such a prevalence of divisions in women's bodybuilding and figure competition that it is often difficult to keep track or understand the standards of each. First there was bodybuilding, followed by the fitness department, where physical performance was also very important. Then came the figure section, which didn't involve performance but focused on [...]

Johnnie Jackson enlisted within the army earlier than Muscle

You probably know the name Johnnie Jackson for his incredible bodybuilding career that spanned two decades. The 2001 NPC Nationals Champion won multiple titles, including the Arnold South Africa in 2017, and has graced the Olympic stage 13 times. His training videos with bodybuilding legend Branch Warren have become iconic. Many of his fans also [...]

Dani Speegle shares her every day strategy to the CrossFit video games

Since making the decision to make CrossFit her career, Dani Speegle has not only found her sporting calling, but has become an inspiration for women to embrace their strength as well as their beauty and never be afraid to have a good one to enjoy biscuit. As she prepared for her fourth CrossFit games, which [...]

The barbell overhead carry is maybe probably the most underrated full physique train

Carrying around heavy weights doesn't seem to have any value at face value except to strengthen your grip. But when you do a move like the overhead barbell carry exercise and pick up the weights and walk around, you'll realize there's so much more to carrying than meets the eye. Your shoulders and lungs will [...]

Bodybuilding legends discuss concerning the significance of posing

Bodybuilding fans and athletes should take heed when a group of legends gather, as the shared wealth of wisdom can be beneficial for years to come. Dennis James recently put together such a panel for a recent episode of The Menace Podcast. Chris Cormier, Milos Sarcev and Dennis Wolf sat down for a discussion on [...]