Category Archives: Articles

Dilemma “falcon and winter soldier”: would you attempt the tremendous soldier serum?

Whether you are a die-hard Marvel fan and have seen every episode of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier or not, all you need to know for the purposes of this piece is that a major plot point involves the existence of a "super soldier serum." . One version of this serum turned the stick [...]

Take an opportunity now to compete within the Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon

Some races are known for their iconic scenery while others are known for their particularly challenging tracks. The best way combines both and that's exactly what you get at the Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon. w in its 40th year, the legendary race will take place in San Francisco from August 14th to 15th, and triathletes [...]

Ideas for avoiding processed meats and selecting more healthy choices

It comes as no shock when new studies emerge of the potential health risks associated with consuming processed meat. After all, the link between processed meat and diseases like cancer has been making headlines for years. If you are wondering, "What is processed meat and what makes it so unhealthy?" you're not alone. After all, [...]

The subsequent wave of feminine bodybuilders

In recent years there has been a surge of competitors who have successfully moved from women's physique to women's bodybuilding - including, of course, Andrea Shaw, who won both the Rising Phoenix and the Ms. Olympia last year. Inspired by their success, there will be another wave of contestants making the transition to bodybuilding for [...]

Within the A7FL, Corey Worth receives a second try at making soccer goals come true

You will likely come across highlights of the 7-on-7 A7FL (American 7s Football League) with full contact. Unsurprisingly, you've likely questioned the sanity of a player willing to take such devastating hits without the protection of a helmet. What cannot be questioned about the men qualified for the league is their love of the game. [...]

Earlier 2 Fundamentals: The Deadlift

When someone talks about training and the subject of deadlifting, the first thing that comes to mind is powerlifting or strongman. Don't twist it. The deadlift also has bodybuilding benefits. Beginners at the gym looking to build size and strength should learn all about the deadlift and apply that knowledge as soon as possible. Fortunately, [...]