Category Archives: Articles

Calvin Johnson has a gymnasium bag crammed with life's subsequent chapter

During his nine-year career with the Detroit Lions, Calvin Johnson was the greatest and one of the most feared receivers the NFL had ever seen. At 6'5" and 239 pounds, he possessed a rare combination of strength, speed, jumping ability and passing ability. With those skills, he earned one of the coolest and most apt [...]

Be taught the ins and outs of pickleball from a pair of the game's finest gamers

If you're looking for a fun and relatively inexpensive way to get outdoors and active, pickleball could turn out to be your next great sporting passion. With around five million players in the US alone, Pickleball is one of the fastest growing games in rth America and there is an undeniable outpouring of support for [...]

6 ideas for an optimum post-workout meal, in line with a efficiency vitamin coach

This article was created in partnership with Healthy Choice. So you've had an incredible workout, and now it's time to continue the effort with a meal to match. But finding the right balance of protein, carbs, fiber, and fats can make you wish you were back to squatting instead. The thing is, eating right isn't [...]

Nick Mitchell shares his reality for reaching your 2023 health objectives

Nick Mitchell looks amazing at the age of 50 and through his work as Founder and CEO of Ultimate Performance he has helped improve the lives of more than 25,000 customers at UP Gyms worldwide. While he relishes the opportunity to get Hollywood royalty in shape, as he recently did with Glenn Powell for Top [...]

Gewinnstrategie: Chris Hansen trainiert, um Father Time zu 'Takedown' zu machen

Chris Hansen hat eine lange und erfolgreiche Karriere aus dem Fangen von „Predators“ gemacht, aber um sein jahrzehntelanges Streben nach Gerechtigkeit auf der Leinwand aufrechtzuerhalten, ist das Letzte, worüber er sich Sorgen machen möchte, einen Sitzplatz zu haben, ähm, bei der Arbeit zu Atem kommen. Das soll nicht heißen, dass der erfahrene Journalist, dessen Karriere [...]

How good is that this new Amazfit GTR four health watch?

The market for wrist-worn activity trackers shows no signs of slowing down. With more than 206 million consumers worldwide in 2021, that number is expected to top 300 million by 2025. To keep up with market leaders like Apple and Samsung, Zepp launched its Amazfit GTR 4 smartwatch late last year, promising a wealth of [...]

Listed here are 7 health "tendencies" that want to remain stranded in 2022

There was a saying long before CrossFit was invented that fools and money soon parted. This fact cuts across a wide spectrum of life, especially in the health and fitness industry. You don't have to look any further than the past. Annual Liver King fiasco as evidence. Newcomers and experienced lifters alike are often looking [...]

Der ehemalige NFL-Star Brandon Marshall hilft Ex-Athleten beim Aufbau eines neuen „Prime“

Im Jahr 2011 verbrachte Brandon Marshall drei lebensverändernde Monate in einem ambulanten Programm des McLean Hospital in Belmont, MA. Bei ihm wurde eine Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung (BPD) diagnostiziert, und mit dieser Diagnose kamen Antworten darauf, warum er die Emotionen erlebt hatte, die zu so vielen Zwischenfällen im Leben geführt hatten. Besser noch, ihm wurden Techniken zur Verfügung [...]

Drop Zone: Everest options the primary skydiving mission of its type

This article is part of the Men's Journal Everyday Warrior series, which includes advice, key interviews, and tips for living a life of lasting impact, growth, and learning. The crowd fell silent as the screen went black and the credits rolled. For a moment, it seemed like those who packed Tampa's Vu Studios for the [...]